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CO:DEEP (Education)


Practical AI•SW
Programming Learning System

CO:DEEP, a practical AI•SW programming learning tool, is an all-in-one system which users can experience programming, or write statements on their own.


Block-based Coding using Scratch




Command-based Programming using Python



From basic to advanced. Selectable programming by level From Scratch to Python
For someone new to programming

Learn the basic knowledge(Basic Concepts, Operational Mechanisms, Hands-on Experience, etc) of programming through CO:DEEP, and advance to the next level.

For someone who wants real-life programming skills

Through detailed comments about the statements, learn about command-based coding and acquire real-life programming skills through CO:DEEP.

Want to learn about AI?

Learn about Artificial Intelligence, from basic concepts to experience, through six titles.

CO:DEEP Programming All by Yourself with
All-in-One Tool
CO:DEEP Charger
  • Textbook
    • Providing examples about real-life usable skills.
    • Curriculums based on the learner's current skill level.
    • Possible to proceed with learning after selecting either the basic or advanced class.
    For Learners
  • Teacher's Guidebook
    • More detailed explanations available.
    • Able to teach without prior research.
    • Conduct step-by-step classes following the provided guidelines.
    For Teachers
  • CO:DEEP Charger
    • Easy storage & Easy charging.
    • Prevents product damage.
    • Ease of maintenance.
Level Lesson Topic
Education SW LESSON 1 Learning the Background of Programming and the Terms of Scratch Learning the Background of Programming and the Terms of Python
LESSON 2 Learning the Basic Syntax of Scratch Learning the Basic Syntax of Python
LESSON 3 Practical Exercise using Scratch Basic Syntax Practical Exercise using Python Basic Syntax
Basic LESSON 4 Controlling the LED Module
LESSON 5 Controlling the Fan Module
LESSON 6 Controlling the Vibration-Motor Sensor
LESSON 7 Controlling the Sound Sensor
LESSON 8 Controlling the Vibration-Detection Sensor
LESSON 9 Controlling the Ultrasonic Wave Sensor
LESSON 10 Controlling the Temperature-and-Humidity Sensor
Intermediate LESSON 11 Cross-Operating the LED Module
LESSON 12 Cross-Operating the Fan Module
LESSON 13 Controlling the LED Module using the Sound Sensor
LESSON 14 Controlling the Fan Module using the Sound Sensor
LESSON 15 Controlling the LED Module using the Temperature-and-Humidity Sensor
LESSON 16 Controlling the Fan Module using the Temperature-and-Humidity Sensor
LESSON 17 Controlling the LED Module using the Ultrasonic Wave Sensor
LESSON 18 Controlling the Fan Module using the Ultrasonic Wave Sensor
LESSON 19 Controlling the Speaker using the Ultrasonic Wave Sensor
LESSON 20 Controlling the Vibration-Motor Sensor using the Ultrasonic Wave Sensor
LESSON 21 Controlling the Fan Module using the Vibration-Detection Sensor
LESSON 22 Controlling the LED Module using the Vibration-Detection Sensor
Advance LESSON 23 Constructing High-Temperature-Warning System using the Temperature-and-Humidity Sensor
LESSON 24 Constructing High-Temperature-Ventilation System using the Temperature-and-Humidity Sensor
LESSON 25 Constructing Earthquake-Detection System
LESSON 26 Constructing Break-in-Detection System
LESSON 27 Constructing Auto Fan using Ultrasonic Wave Sensor
AI LESSON 28 Learning the Background of AI
LESSON 29 AI Image Recognition
LESSON 30 AI Face Recognition
LESSON 31 AI Alphabet Recognition
LESSON 32 AI Voice Recognition
LESSON 33 AI Video Effect
LESSON 34 AI Object Recognition

Control 7 different IoT sensors in CO:DEEP to intuitively observe operations and confirm programming skills.

G2B / S2B
Product Line Product Name G2B & S2B Identification Number Procurement Price Remarks
Education SW CO-DEEP 24492362
3,980,000 won G2B
Multimedia Learning Device CO-DEEP 24989339
3,800,000 won G2B
CO:DEEP Textbook (Integrated version) 202403048235914
180,000 won S2B
CO-DEEP 202310047268574
3,980,000 won S2B
CO:DEEP Charger Portable charging storage locker for CO:DEEP 202403218363333
3,300,000 won S2B